owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions module

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.BundleNotFound(bundle_id, msg=None, version=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when a bundle cannot be found on a local or remote resource with the given parameters.


ID of the bundle that was sought

msgstr, optional

An explanation of why the bundle could not be found

versionint, optional

Version number of the bundle

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.CircularDependencyDetected[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when a circular dependency is detected in the bundle dependency graph

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.DeployFailed[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when bundle deployment fails for an apparently valid bundle

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.FetchFailed[source]

Bases: Exception

Generic message for when a fetch fails

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.FetchTargetIsNotEmpty(target)[source]

Bases: FetchFailed

Thrown when the target directory of a fetch is not empty

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.InstallFailed[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when a bundle installation fails to complete.

You can assume that any intermediate bundle files have been cleaned up from the bundle cache

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.MalformedBundle(path, explanation)[source]

Bases: NotABundlePath

Thrown when a given path does points to a bundle directory or archive is malformed

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.NoAcceptableUploaders(bundle_path)[source]

Bases: DeployFailed

Thrown when, for all selected Remotes, no Uploaders report that they can upload a given bundle

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.NoBundleLoader(bundle_id, bundle_version=None, message=None)[source]

Bases: FetchFailed

Thrown when a loader can’t be found for a bundle

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.NoRemoteAvailable[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when we need a remote and we don’t have one

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.NotABundlePath(path, explanation)[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when a given path does not point to a valid bundle directory tree or bundle archive

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.NotADescriptor[source]

Bases: Exception

Thrown when a given file, string, or other object is offered as a descriptor, but does not represent a Descriptor

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.TargetIsNotEmpty(target)[source]

Bases: InstallFailed

Thrown when the target directory of an installation is not empty

exception owmeta_core.bundle.exceptions.UncoveredImports(imports)[source]

Bases: InstallFailed

Thrown when a bundle to be installed has declared imports but is missing dependencies to cover those imports

importslist of URIRef

List of imports declared for a bundle which are not covered by any of the bundle’s dependencies