owmeta_core.cli module


Add some additional options specific to CLI


Entry point for the command line interface.

Additional sub-commands can be added by specifying them in an entry point in your package’s setup.py like this:

'owmeta_core.commands': [
    'subcommand_name = module.path.for:TheSubCommand',
    'sub.sub.subcommand_name = module.path.for:TheSubSubSubCommand',

Where, subcommand_name will be the name of the sub-command under the top-level owm command and module.path.for.TheSubCommand will be the class implementing the command. To add to existing sub-commands one indicate the place in the command hierarchy as in sub.sub.subcommand_name: TheSubSubSubCommand would be available under the (hypothetical) existing owm sub sub command as owm sub sub subcommand_name

So-called “hints” can affect the way command implementations are interepreted such as indicating whether a method argument should be read in as a positional argument or an option and what a command-line option should be named (as opposed to deriving it from a parameter name or member variable). There is a set of hints which are a part of owmeta-core (see CLI_HINTS), but these can be augmented by specifying entry points like this:

'owmeta_core.cli_hints': 'hints = module.path.for:CLI_HINTS',

If module.path.for.CLI_HINTS is a dictionary, it will get added to the hints, potentially affecting any sub-commands without hints already available. The entry point name (hints in the example) is only used for error-reporting by this module. Although this is not strictly enforced, adding hints for sub-commands published by other modules, including owmeta-core, should be avoided to ensure consistent behavior across installations. See owmeta_core.cli_hints source for the format of hints.

See CLICommandWrapper for more details on how the command line options are constructed.


Arguments to the command. Used instead of sys.argv